Jairo Silvera


Data Analyst | Big Data | Data Science | Advanced Analytics.

Data Analyst with a strong background in Big Data, Data Science, and Advanced Analytics with a master's degree in these fields from Universidad Pontificia Comillas.

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Exploratory Data Analysis

Exploratory Data Analysis - Car Prices

Initial exploratory data analysis of the Automobile dataset, in order to predict a car's price based on its characteristics.

Pandas NumPy

BI - Data Visualization

Dashboard Tickets IT

Dashboard made with Power Bi which shows the management of tickets and requests for issues in the IT sector of a tech company.

Machine Learning

Logistic Regression Model

Logistic Regression model for a telecommunication company in order to predict when customers leave for a competitor, so that they can take some action to retain the customers.


Clustering Model

Clustering model using KMeans, PCA and Autoencoders for an advertising marketing campaign based on customer's data from a bank.


Clustering API Madrid

Analyze Madrid's Districts for opening a cafeteria based on the lowest number of COVID contagions of all Districts in 2021, using KMeans, Folium maps and the Foursquare API.


NLP - Naive Bayes Model

Natural Language Processing

Deep Learning

X-Ray image recognition

Clasification tasks and prediction of respiratory diseases based on X-Ray images using Convolutional Neural Networks.



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